Are you focused?

Did you know that 92% of individuals who set goals do not achieve their goals? This statistic makes goal setting seem unimportant. Yet, when a goal is written in a purposeful and visual way, our wishes can become reality. Creating goals that are meaningful and achievable builds confidence and supports increased productivity for ourselves and … Read more

Build Rapport – Good Business Sense

Rapport is critical for creating and maintaining strong work relationships.  Because we are pulled in many directions throughout the day, we may need to actively pursue moments to interact with others. Positive work relationships foster loyalty and trust and provide a great platform for collaborating. Check-in on your rapport building approach by completing the Pinnacle … Read more


Who inspires you? Why? Who do you inspire? We impact one another daily yet we don’t always take the time to let them know how they have helped us. Your colleague may have shared a quick tip, offered a new idea, or suggested an alternative approach to a task.  This simple exchange can improve your … Read more

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