Your next presentation – Could it be right now?

For many people, when they think about ‘giving a presentation’, it may be an uncomfortable flashback to delivering a book report in grade school, standing awkwardly in front of a classroom, broadcasting out to a room filled with your classmates staring at you with mixed expressions.

As adults, when you hear the word ‘presentation’, your mind might jump to a high-stakes situation, complete with PowerPoint slides and a large audience. Here is the reality: you give presentations more often than you think! When you have a detailed message to share and you have identified an audience of one or more of your colleagues needing to receive that message, and you seek a desired outcome, you have a ‘presentation’ opportunity.

A presentation exists when you have a one-on-one conversation meant to inspire greater performance, or you are offering a short update in a team meeting. Also, you may encounter an unexpected chance to influence your manager and you need to seize the opportunity. While these opportunities can occur both virtually or in-person, the most powerful presentation experiences happen when the presenter successfully connects the three essential elements of communication, you, your audience, and the message.

To increase your confidence or your effectiveness when delivering the message and making an impact on your audience, there are best practices that will help drive your success. Review Pinnacle’s Tips for Powering Up Your Presentations to boost your presentation skills today.

Pinnacle Group provides presentation and facilitation skills development programs, as well as many other professional development programs, to help increase employee proficiency and capabilities that will help your organization thrive. Contact us for more information on providing training and development for your team.

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